F.A.K frequantly asked questions
Here we provide full information and following tips how to read infromation showed in dynograms.
With this tips you be able identify and understand where and what to look in motorcycle dynograms when choosing your potential future tuner who will tune your bike.
Out there is many fake tuners ,who provide non quality service. Even big brand names making mistakes. U most consider all information ,not choose tuning shop only by its name ,or that people suggested ,or someone from your known people tuned bike at that shop.
U must make research. Always think with your own head and make decisions ,not be affected by someone ,because that someone may be an usually is same level of understanding about correct bike tuning and u or even lower.
Not consider big brand names etc. Always look what information potential tuner provides in his work ,previously tuned bikes. First step is look and dynograms ,they must include specific key points ,by it u can say job is done correctly or info is hidden non quality job.
If u see that tuner always provide only 1 dynogram its key signal that its low level service and job is done not it should be.
Dynogram must include keys example
Power run before tune ,full stock.
Power run after tune.
Dynograms must include AFR reading ,this is most important component in tuning motorcycles. Dyno runs and AFR must be in same run sheet. Not separate sheets.
Dynograms must be not only 1 run. As u may know motorcycle has not only full gas power. Throttle position, all bikes has 0-100 throttle opening. It mean there is potential 100 dyno power runs with AFR included.
If u see only 1 dynogram ,with no afr ,its non quality job. if u see dynogram with 1 power run and 1 AFR it mean that most likely your tuner corrected power only on full gas and other throttle openings is not touched or done incorrectly.
What that mean? it mean that your bike is tuned incorrectly. give your self a question how much time u are is 100 percent gas when riding? 1-5 percent most likely. All other time u are in other throttle opening areas named drivability.
Tuning these areas is much more important. Fake tuner always provide u minimum information mentioned before. Real reputable tuner show u all info and even video process and results.
Returning to dynograms, tuner must provide minimum 4-5 dynograms including AFR readings. For your better understanding u can split in your head 100 to 4. What it mean? 1 dynogram per 25 percent of throttle opening .
Our opinion its a minimum info must be given to costumer confirming tuners job. If tuner provides extra live video data including power runs ,AFR readings before after tune. its a huge bonus for u. This way u can be sure u got perfect result.
If u got 1 dynogram or non at all be sure job was done not like it should be! Always choose tuners who is clear crystal. Only real tuner will provide u full information. No matter if other do cheaper. Better not throw money for fake one.
Please not consider this information if u are only testing bike on dyno and no actual tuning is done. If u want only see only full power of the bike. This info tips only related with tuning process and results.
In general these dynograms is about nothing. its showing only 1 throttle opening . By it u never see and not know how you bike is really tuned. BIG risk of scam and counterfeited work. Make fake dynograms like this is very easy and many tuners use some tricks to show fake power gains to impress potential clients. Always avoid tuners who not give full info .


Here is and example on 1 motorcycle. u can clearly see its 4 dynograms including diferent throttle opening areas and power levels ,example 25 50 75 and 100 power by throttle opening. Its much different ,from dynograms with missing data. This way u know your bike is tuned in all areas correctly and not only full power 1 opening. Also AFR reading is included in same dynogram. Results stock vs tuned. In video u see live information all in one screen and not photoshoped etc. Always make your own research and decisions ,dont be a sheep ,cheap grass in unhealthy.